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Cupping Therapeutics

Cupping Therapeutics combines soft tissue palpation and assessment skills with a holistic therapy approach to this ancient treatment form. The therapeutic effects of cupping can be profound, the practitioner uses applied suction over the soft tissue to create a negative pressure on the underlying tissue. This assists the tissue to loosen and stretch while aiding in the separation of muscles and connective tissue layers. Cupping also sedates the nervous system, may assist and relieve joint and muscle pain, restore muscle tone and aids in the elimination of toxins and excess heat trapped in tissues. As suction cups (non flame) will be required for this workshop, practitioners have an option to purchase a cupping set (pre ordered and prepaid).

Facilitator: Damon Bramich | Remedial Massage Practitioner, Master Teacher Newcastle Tai Chi

Call 02 4393 1200/ complete enrolment form and return
School of Integrated Body Therapy - 1 Callaghan Close, Charmhaven 2263 NSW
Ph: 02 4393 1200 Fax: 02 4393 3333
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